Friday, 5 November 2010

Defending our Crown Corporations and Public Services

"For more than a century the Saskatchewan way of life has embraced public services and Crown Corporations. This includes parks, power, highways, and so much more.

Similar to the qualities of an oak tree, known for strength and versatility, Saskatchewan history is rooted in our Crowns and public services, which are owned and operated by the people."
Saskatchewan citizens need to know the facts about the government's intentions and actions to destroy these publicly owned institutions. Our Crowns and public services make our province the best place in Canada to live, work and raise a family.

Check out the SFL's new labour issues booklet entitled: Defending our Crown Corporations and Public Services

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Education: What's Happening in Saskatchewan?

The government is making serious changes and cuts to our public education system that target vulnerable children:
     - 75 % cut in Educational Assistant positions.

Government changes and cuts to our public education system are hurting Aboriginal people and students:
     - First Nations University of Canada (FNUC) funding: cut.
     - Aboriginal Employment Development Program: cut.
     - Tuition freeze lifted.
     - School contingency funding: cut.
     - School capital funding: cut.

What happens to the quality of education when it's handed to private business?

What happens to public health and safety when the government downgrades skills training?

Find the answers to these questions and more.  Download the SFL's new labour issues booklet:  Education: What's Happening in Saskatchewan