Friday, 9 March 2007

Van packed with farm workers crashes in B.C., killing 3

This is the kind of thing we can count on, if we sign on to TILMA. Lowest common denominator. Worker's rights, and their health and safety are sacrificed for the convenience of Trade, Investment and so-called Labour Mobility. It's exploitation and abuse of workers - in this case farm workers.

In 2001, the newly elected Liberal government did away with a program that routinely inspected the vans. Since then, four people have died and more than 30 have been injured in accidents involving the transportation of farm workers in B.C.

"If we just leave things to allow people to self regulate, this is what happens," Angela Schira of the B.C. Federation of Labour said Wednesday.

Allowing this kind of situation to exist and to occur anywhere in this country is so offensive that it is almost beyond comprehension.

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