Sunday, 20 May 2007

TILMA: Saskatoon StarPhoenix editorial board lacks credibility, adopts Saskatchewan Party hypocrisy

On Friday, May 18, 2007 Joe Kuchta over at the "Owls and Roosters" blog responded to a recent editorial in the Saskatoon StarPhoenix.

The StarPhoenix editorial was entitled "TILMA gives clout to Sask" and as Kuchta points out - that editorial was seriously lacking in balance and credibility.

There is fear mongering going on around the B.C./Alberta Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) alright - but that fear mongering is coming from the likes of the corporate elites and the special interest groups they control. Aided and abetted by the mainstream media they own.

If you're looking for a counter balance to the corporate manufactured hysteria around TILMA you'll only find it on blogs such as this one, "Owls and Roosters", "Relentlessly Progressive Economics" and a few others.

Get educated, read the agreement for yourself, and KNOW TILMA!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. In its editorial "TILMA gives clout to Saskatchewan", May 15, 2007, the Star Phoenix has let the cat out of the bag. By drawing readers' attention to the last provincial election and the well-documented threat during that election, to Saskatchewan's crown corporations, it has connected the dots between the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) and the same old privatization agenda. After all, what is TILMA if not the most sweeping attempt at deregulation ever to be flown under the public radar. And what is deregulation if not the removal of laws and institutions -- like crown corporations, anti-pollution measures, local procurement bylaws and trade certifications -- that have been created by democratically elected governments at the behest of the electorate.

    What the Star Phoenix ought to be doing is questioning those who support the imposition of backroom deals and privately, unaccountably concocted legislation, at the expense of our democratically elected, accountable governments.

    I would suggest that it is the Star Phoenix that is responsible for scare tactics, not the opponents of TILMA. Otherwise instead of telling us that doom and gloom await all who resist TILMA, we would be reading about all the wonderful benefits that would accrue to the people of Saskatchewan once this massive and unprecedented deregulation takes place.

  3. The first comment was removed because it was an exact duplicate of the second comment. (A double entry)
