Monday, 14 January 2008

The WORST Labour Legislation in the Country

Check it out: The WORST Labour Legislation in the Country


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, I get all my opinions from a gentleman who is a union activist and calls himself "Orgie".

    If HE said it, it MUST be true...

  3. Mr. Insider,

    The article on Orgie's blog is a reprint of a commentary by the President of COPE Local 397. It's not "Orgie's" opinion.

  4. Larry,

    The only ones that think this is a bad idea are union leaders and hacks.

    And if you want to be heard, maybe you should stop shitting on the government daily.

    You may be doing yourself a favour, but not your members.

  5. Mr. Insider,

    Stick to something you actually understand.

    It's clear your knowledge about this topic is very limited.

  6. Stick to something you actually understand.

    You should try to do the same...

  7. And now we see where the collective lines of communication break down...I'm sorry but you two look like a couple of rams trying to batter each others opinions down the others throat. This is a display of something powerfully childish. However Mr.Hubich, did it cross your mind that perhaps if you run into a group of people that think they are of a higher intellect than yourself, you should not run in to there house with your guns blazing firing off demands and expectations and expect them to drop to their knees and bend to your will. Try something else, that works, you have not gotten us very far as a movement with these tactics.

  8. Joe,

    Thank you for contributing to this blog.

    Contrary to your assertion, it is not us who are "running into someone else's house guns blazing firing off demands and expectations and expecting them to drop to their knees and bend to our will."

    It is the reverse.

    The affiliates of the SFL will defend the constitutional and charter rights of our members, and the other citizens of this province.

    And we will do so on our feet, not on our knees.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
