Tuesday, 6 May 2008

"Outrageous and Shocking!" says Georgetti on Census Numbers

The 3.5 million member Canadian Labour Congress issued a news release on May Day commenting on the statistics revealed in the latest Canadian Census numbers which show the rich getting richer, while the rest of Canadians see their wages stagnating or falling.

"Outrageous and Shocking!" says Georgetti on Census Numbers

May 1, 2008

OTTAWA – “Over the last 25 years, the people we elected have let the greedy set the agenda. It is so outrageous how the people who already have the most have designed the economy for their own benefit. Excluding the rest of us, who actually own the country and make it work,” says Ken Georgetti, president of the Canadian Labour Congress at the sight of the census numbers on workers and earnings released by Statistics Canada.

“What has happened over the last 25 years? Bad trade deals, minimum wage rates frozen below poverty lines, repeated legislative assaults on unionization, tax breaks for the rich, all these measures have made Canadians who work for wages poorer,” explains Georgetti.
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Download the News Release in PDF Format here.

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