Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Minimum wage increases have a "positive" impact on business

On January 12, 2011 the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour forwarded a supplementary submission to the Saskatchewan Minimum Wage Board.  The Board had asked the Federation to respond to 2 questions in follow-up to a brief that the SFL had submitted at the end of 2010.

The supplementary submission makes a compelling argument for increasing the minimum wage, and for ensuring that a system is in place to guarantee that minimum wage earners do not lose ground to inflation (indexing).

Below are some interesting facts about Saskatchewan's current minimum wage.

Minimum Wage Facts

  • Roughly 31,000 Saskatchewan people are paid the province’s lowest permissible wage.
  • Nearly 40% of low-wage earners in Saskatchewan are between the ages of 25 and 55.
  • 78% of low-wage earners in Saskatchewan work in permanent jobs.
  • 60% of minimum wage workers are women.
  • Increases to the minimum wage are often followed by an increase in employment rates.
  • Viewpoints Research found in December 2010 that 71.9% of Saskatchewan people want to see the minimum wage raised.
You can read the full (12 page) submission by downloading a copy here....

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