Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Academics' Critique U of S Human Resources Policies, Practices & Procedures

Some University of Saskatchewan Academics have done a critique of the U of S Human Resources Policies, Practices & Procedures. Check it out over at the "Concerned Academics Speaking Out Blog".
Described another way this is sort of "a performance evaluation", or a "grading" so to speak.

And the results are in. The University of Saskatchewan Adminstration and Human Resources Department have flunked out. The following quote says it all:

“The development of a five year plan by the University of Saskatchewan based on publications that have been described by one leading international business authority as studies that “lack analytical rigor” and not likely “to win a blue ribbon at your local high school science fair” is almost incomprehensible for an institution that promotes “scholarship” as one of its fundamental values. One would think that scholarship, critical thinking and the attendant high performance standards for research should apply to the Human Resources department as well.”

1 comment:

David said...

Well, lets just see what the "academics" can come up with.