Sunday, 5 April 2009

The secrecy continues - What are you trying to hide?

For the 8th time in the past several months, the Sask. Party government through officials in the Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment and Labour (formerly the Department of Labour), have refused a citizen request for information under the The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Citizen blogger, Joe Kuchta, over at the "Owls and Roosters Blog" has revealed the sorry tale of secrecy, and government refusal to disclose information, in his recent posting entitled: "Advanced Education, Employment and Labour refusing to disclose OH&S and Workers’ Compensation Act records; 8th denial since May 2008".

I have this question for Premier Wall and AEEL Minister Norris - "Why the secrecy, and why do you find it necessary to hide what you are doing on the labour file?"


Anonymous said...

Hey Larry, did you know that, during the 2007 Provincial Election, Colin Thatcher spent time at Lyle Stewart's campaign office? Significant amounts of time?

Maybe your NDP buddies would like to bring that up, that it is likely that the current SaskParty government is being influenced by a convicted murderer.

Larry Hubich said...

Hi Fraud,

Thank you for participating in this blog.

I have friends who support all different types of political parites. I'm not an MLA, and I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of the NDP Provincial Executive. (I haven't been a member of any political party's executive for that matter.)

So perhaps if there is any truth to what you are alleging you should be the one who communicates that message.

I have nothing to prove or support your allegations, so for me to suggest it would simply be hearsay.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do in this regard.