Friday 12 October 2007

Who Controls Whom?

You'd think from listening to the rantings of various "shout radio" hosts that certain political parties are controlled by the "Big Bad Unions". In that regard I suggest you look at the facts about who controls whom.

Below are snapshots of funding details taken from the Annual Returns of the Sask. Party and the NDP, filed with the Chief Electoral Office of Saskatchewan for the 2006 fiscal year. What it clearly reveals is that if anybody is being controlled by anybody it's the Sask. Party who is in the hip pocket of the business crowd.

Look at these facts

..... From the NDP 2006 Return:

..... Class of .......... Number of ........ Value of
..... Contributor ..... Contributors ..... Contributions

..... Corporations ............ 52 ........... $165,348
..... Unions ................... 10 .............. 27,207

..... From the Sask Party 2006 Return:

..... Class of .......... Number of ........ Value of
..... Contributor ..... Contributors ..... Contributions

..... Corporations ......... 880 ............. $668,016
..... Unions ................. Nil ................. Nil

Conclusion: Corporations have far more influence on the policies of Political Parties than any union would ever have. Especially the Sask. Party.

Who Controls Whom - Indeed!

See the full reports here:
New Democratic Party
Sask. Party


Anonymous said...

The business crowd just knows they want to get on the good side of the next government.

Anonymous said...

And of those corporate donations, how many come from Rawlinson-controlled companies (aka the people who own CJME/CKOM, where Gormley is played)?

I know the answer... but you may be interested to find out for yourself:
(look for election financial returns to the Saskatchewan Party... the numbers speak for themselves...)

Anonymous said...

Although corporate donations may significantly outnumber those of unions, the “influencing” effect that unions have on there members is far more supportive than monetary contributions.

It’s no secret; the Sask Party’s policies favor entrepreneurs/business owners while the NDP’s policies favor civil servants/members of large unions. If you’re in a union vote NDP, your ability to take advantage of consumers and employers is on the line. If you’re a business owner vote Sask Party as your ability to pay market wages and hire/fire as you please is on the line. Vote accordingly!

Saskatory said...

It's nice of you Larry to reveal your findings to the public so that we know what crooks the NDP are. Thank you.

Larry Hubich said...

It is what it is.